

Services Your projects belong in safe hands Consulting, engineering and training Safety for man and machine: Pilz Services Pilz Services Pilz offer a wide range of machinery lifecycle services, specializing in the protection of man, machine and the environment. Through our international subsidiaries, we offer real customer focus and impress with individual consulting and the highest flexibility and reliability. Contents Pilz services throughout 15 the machine lifecycle Learn how you can make your plant and machinery safer with our services – at each stage. Pilz services for 27 international compliance Read how to manufacture and operate your plant and machinery in absolute compliance with international standards and directives. Pilz services for more safety 33 in the workplace Find out how you can implement the greatest possible safety in the workplace – for man and machine. Pilz training on machinery safety 41 and automation Secure not only your personal success but also that of your company – with continuing professional education as part of our training courses. 3 Pilz is your solution supplier for Pilz has a tradition as a family-run More than 2 200 staff, each one Automation all automation tasks. Including company stretching back over of them an ambassador for safety, solutions from Pilz – at home in every standard control functions. 60 years. Real proximity to custom- make sure that your staff – your industry. Pilz developments protect man, ers is visible in all areas, instilling company’s most valuable asset – machine and the environment. confidence through individual can work safely and free from injury. consultation, total flexibility and reliable service. Worldwide, round the clock, in 42 subsidiaries and branches, as well as 27 sales partners on every continent. 4 Pilz is your solution supplier for Pilz has a tradition as a family-run More than 2 200 staff, each one Automation all automation tasks. Including company stretching back over of them an ambassador for safety, solutions from Pilz – at home in every standard control functions. 60 years. Real proximity to custom- make sure that your staff – your industry. Pilz developments protect man, ers is visible in all areas, instilling company’s most valuable asset – machine and the environment. confidence through individual can work safely and free from injury. consultation, total flexibility and reliable service. Worldwide, round the clock, in 42 subsidiaries and branches, as well as 27 sales partners on every continent. 5 Pilz Services Safety for man and machine We support your business with our services in the field of machinery safety and automation. Benefit from our extensive portfolio across the whole machine lifecycle which includes consulting, engineering and training. Implement your safety and operational goals with our help. We assess your safety challenges and provide you with practical, tailored and economical solutions. With this approach, our service specialists provide increased safety in every industry sector around the world. 6 Safety for man and machine Benefit from these services: • Increased awareness of safety in new production plants through identification of possible risks • Retrofitting plant and machinery with automation and safety technology to increase productivity as well as safety • The integration of safety technology in plant and machinery to satisfy legal compliance requirements • Support you during the introduction of technically advanced machinery and the installation of correspond- ing protective measures • Training of personnel with regard to national and international machinery safety to enable maximum plant availability and safety We develop solutions for applications that have specific technical requirements to ensure compliance, such as achieving the safe interaction between humans and robots.” 7 Pilz Services We overcome boundaries for your global projects We provide our services throughout the world – thanks to our local organizations, we can guarantee the highest quality uniformly and globally. We have carried out challenging and unique projects all over the world. Our global network of experts always goes the extra mile by consulting and implementing locally while maintaining a global outlook. Pilz knows no boundaries when it comes to the quality and safety level of machines. Regardless of where a plant is manufactured and where it is delivered to or operated: we guarantee identical standards in automation and safety all around the world. + We engage with users, associations, authorities and research institutes in order to collectively develop appropriate safety standards. + We are an active member of 80 national and international standard committees represented by more than 30 experts. Pilz currently actively contributes to the development of around 100 product and application standards. 8 Tailored services on a global scale There for you, worldwide We develop practical solutions to complex questions of safety in all industries for national and international industrial companies. With our international team of committed employees, we help companies to apply the best possible manufacturing processes with a view to optimizing the availability and productivity of their facilities all over the world. + By adapting to country-specific requirements, we take all steps to ensure that machines can be operated reliably and safely without a loss of time – no matter the country. Pilz is able to provide and apply local knowledge on a transnational basis and to operate across borders with a consistent level of professionalism and quality.” Renate Pilz, Chair of the Board Pilz GmbH & Co. KG 9 Pilz Services Range of plant and machinery lifecycle services As a solution supplier, Pilz can help you in the global application of optimum safety strategies that comply with specifications. Our services ensure the highest safety for man and machine worldwide. Pilz Services for Safety and Automation International Machinery safety compliance Workplace safety Safety through the whole Conformity with international Absolute safety when machine lifecycle standards and regulations operating machines • Risk Assessment • CE Marking • Plant Assessment • Safety Concept • NR-12 • Lockout Tagout System • Safety Design • Inspection of Safeguarding Devices • System Implementation • Validation Safe machinery Compliant machines The maximum possible at any stage worldwide safety for man and machine Training International qualification program and certified courses Enhancement of professional development 10 Services – Portfolio Training International compliance Pilz supports you with a comprehensive range CE Marking of training courses on all topics of machinery safety We control all activities and processes for and automation. the necessary conformity assessment procedure, including the technical documentation that is required. And to progress to the expert level in machinery safety we offer the qualification of CMSE® – NR-12 Certified Machinery Safety Expert. As a complete supplier we can provide support from risk assessment to validation, technical documentation at the manufacturer’s and final acceptance at the operator’s in Brazil. Machinery safety Risk Assessment We review your machinery in accordance with the applicable standards and directives and assess the existing hazards. Workplace safety Safety Concept Plant Assessment We develop detailed technical solutions for the safety We will prepare an overview of your entire plant in of your plant and machinery through mechanical, the shortest possible time. With an on-site inspection electronic and organizational measures. we will expose risks and calculate the cost of optimizing your safeguards. Safety Design The aim of the safety design is to reduce or Lockout Tagout System eliminate danger points through detailed planning Our customized lockout tagout (LoTo) measures guarantee of the necessary protective measures. that staff can safely control potentially hazardous energies during maintenance and repair. System Implementation The results of the risk analysis and safety design Inspection of Safeguarding Devices are implemented to suit the particular requirements With our independent, ISO 17020-compliant inspection through selected safety measures. body, which is accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS), we can guarantee objectivity and high Validation availability of your machines. In the validation, the risk assessment and safety concept are mirrored and inspected by competent, specialist staff. And we perform collision measurement for human-robot Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Ostfildern, operates an inspection body for plant applications in accordance with the limit values from and machinery, accredited by DAkkS. ISO/TS 15066. 11 Pilz Services As unique as your requirements: Pilz industry expertise Pilz offers unique industry know-how, built up over decades of experience and continuously improved, that virtually no other company in the world is able to match. Comprehensive know-how of many different applications home in We know the technical challenges you face when it comes to choosing machine and automation processes At industryery for your manufacturing operation and production goals. Our experts have a comprehensive understanding of ev all the standards and regulations applicable for your plant. And they will support you with services and tailored solutions for your industry and its own particular needs. Robotics We help you to implement and automate safe human-robot applications with a service portfolio that is specifically developed for all the phases of a robot system. In the process we demonstrate new ways in which human and robot can work together safely in even closer proximity in the future. Safe interaction between human and robot Steel and aluminium Your machinery is exposed to demanding production conditions. The processing of raw and processed materials demands a particularly high level of safety. Our experts have already demonstrated their ability in adapting a large number of the most diverse applications safely to the respective production requirements. High level of safety for heavy material Pulp and paper When potentially hazardous interventions are needed on a machine, such as after a paper tear, particular protective measures are essential. But which solutions are best suited to your needs? Enabling switches, fixed guards, creep speed control or a start-up alarm? We develop the ideal solution for you based on our risk assessment and safety concept. Special safety measures for special machines 12 Competence in every industry Consumer goods packaging Whatever High speeds and frequent change of material are industry you are in, we support factors that stretch machines and automation technology you with our to the limit. We develop customized safety concepts for structured project you on the basis of a detailed technical risk assessment management, safety expertise that provides risk minimization with productivity and know-how. maximization. Safely packaged with Pilz Food You need flexible manufacturing systems in order to produce a wide range of products. That means you need a strong safety partner by your side. We can support you in the integration of additional equipment or the upgrading of existing machinery, taking all aspects of safety into account. Safe machines for handling food ingredients Health technology • Pharmaceuticals: we know the challenges you face when dealing with explosive atmospheres or toxic waste products. Through our process safety services we can provide you with effective assessments and recommendations for your machinery. • Medical devices: precise production technology Safe dosing of poisonous ingredients such as collaborative robots requires specialist knowledge and experience. We ensure the protection of your employees and of your high-value production assets. Automotive We can assist you in achieving the high availability and efficiency of your plants through integrated machinery safety. Our experts will advise you every step of the way in the production process – whether pressing, body shell manufacturing, paint systems or the assembly line. Higher plant availability in automotive production 13 14 Pilz services throughout the machine lifecycle Machinery safety at each stage • Risk assessment Whether in the design phase, during operation or with a machine retrofit: manufacturers • Safety concept and operators are naturally keen, and often legally obliged, to detect and eliminate potential safety risks for man and machinery at an early stage. • Safety design • System implementation Pilz offers you comprehensive safety services customized to your company’s needs throughout • Validation the entire machine lifecycle. 15 Pilz Services Systematically evaluate hazards: with the Pilz Risk Assessment With a risk assessment tailored to your individual requirements and systematically performed, Pilz provides you with the most important foundation for determining safety measures and ensuring machinery safety compliance. Your requirements Our services Combination of compliance and Responsible and systematic risk assessment customized solutions We will work with you to undertake a technical inspection For the risk assessment of plant and machinery, of your machinery in accordance with the applicable operators and manufacturers require a concept that national and/or international standards and directives. complies with the requirements of various national Based on the information determined here, safety laws and international directives and standards. measures for the machine can then be defined, prioritized To achieve this a practical, logical, structured and and implemented. The aim: to guarantee compliance with targeted assessment of your plant and machinery is standards and regulations during the entire working life needed. of the machine. At your side right from the start The risk assessment from Pilz includes: When all parameters have been agreed upon, our • Determining the applicable standards, regulations experienced specialists will develop a concept that and procedures enables a professional risk assessment, which is • Description of machine’s limits tailored to the special requirements of your machinery • Checking your machine in accordance with and in accordance with your corporate policies, the relevant national and international standards procedures and operational needs. • Determination and assessment of existing hazards • Examination of the hazards in all relevant phases of the machine lifecycle • Estimation and assessment of the risk • Recommendation for procedure to reduce the risk 16 Pilz services throughout the machine lifecycle Benefits to you Risk assessment in Effective and economical risk assessment the machine safety lifecycle With a risk assessment created individually for you Risk assessment and systematically performed you can detect and address not only the existing hazards to which your Safety concept Start staff is exposed during operation or maintenance, but also for the wider safety concerns of your Safety design Determination of machine limits manufacturing plant: System implementation • You extend the service life of your machinery Hazard identification using early hazard detection Validation • You ensure compliance with the Machinery Directive Risk estimation in accordance with applicable standards and directives Risk evaluation • You save time and money during the integration of suitable safety measures Yes Machinery End safe? * No Risk reduction * Is the risk sufficiently reduced? The result of the risk assessment is used to develop the safety concept and create the safety design. You can also benefit from the technical competence and professional objectivity of our company and make our competence and experience in risk assessment work for you. Keep up-to-date on Pilz risk assessment Webcode: web77695 Online information at www.pilz.com 17 Pilz Services Combining safety and productivity: with Safety Concepts from Pilz Pilz safety concepts are based on the individual requirements of the customer. Using our tried and tested methodologies our safety concepts enable the safe interaction between operators or maintenance personnel and machinery – without affecting productivity. Your requirements Our services Intelligent and cost-effective safety concept Creating engineering solutions A competitive manufacturing company, you require At Pilz, an interdisciplinary team works to create an effective and practical safety concept for the use the best possible safety concept for your individual of new machinery or upgraded existing machinery, requirements. without restricting productivity. With profound technical knowledge mechanical or Perfectly tailored to you electrical solutions and the most effective state-of-the-art We at Pilz are always aware of your production safety technologies are created based on the risk needs and targets. Our safety concepts prioritize assessment conducted previously. These describe the the optimal solutions for combining functional safety technical measures to ensure the safety of your machinery and productivity. For this purpose, we only develop in accordance with national and international standards safety concepts that are based on the individual as well as your own corporate standards. requirements of our customers and which can be implemented without creating too many obstacles The Pilz safety concept for manufacturers and their staff. takes the following into account: • Use of fixed and movable guards • Implementation of safety-related plant and machinery controllers • Facilities for safe control and shutdown of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic and other potential energy sources • Detection of workers in danger zones • Definition of the performance level (PLr) to be reached for safety-related measures or safety functions 18 Pilz services throughout the machine lifecycle Benefits to you Safety concept – Functional safety and the process within the machinery lifecycle guarantee of productivity Risk assessment With a safety concept from Pilz, you ensure not Risk assessment check, only conformity and safety, but you also improve the overall risk reduction plan Safety concept productivity of your plant and machinery: Overall safety concept Safety design • You benefit from our practical engineering experience in integrating safety System implementation Risk reduction Risk reduction by • You optimize interaction between operators by design technical measures and machinery Validation • You reduce complexity and costs • You optimize the scope of maintenance work Safety-related for your plant and machinery Safeguarding control system concepts concepts Monitoring of Emergency stop protection devices Position monitoring Speed monitoring Presence detection Safe shutdown Risk reduction Risk reduction by other measures, by organizational training, personal measures protective equipment Keep up-to-date on Pilz safety concept Together with the use of procedures typical for the sector, Webcode: you lower the operating costs for your machinery over web7769 the long-term. Online information at www.pilz.com 19 Pilz Services Eliminating hazards as early as possible: with Pilz Safety Design Pilz safety designs are developed based on your specific requirements and take potential hazards into account at the earliest stage possible. We make sure that the implementation has minimal impact on the complexity, costs and productivity of your plant and machinery. Your requirements Our services Safety designs in the machine lifecycle Detailed assignment of safety measures Projects such as a new design, a retrofit or a As a global solution supplier for international conversion are typical of upgrading machinery. companies, we can create bespoke safety designs Follow-up costs, poor machine availability or even that meet the relevant requirements and standards the failure of plant and machinery are common applicable worldwide. occurrences. You can now actively pre-empt such eventualities: with a detailed safety design Based on our long-standing experience with design customized to your machinery. techniques, standards and safety technologies, we implement a structured design process for you. Specially developed for you Our safety designs follow the goal of reducing Pilz safety design comprises the following phases: or eliminating identified hazards. We rigorously • Specification of the safety requirements assess protective measures required for each • Detailed assignment of safety measures to address customer. From experience we understand that the defined hazards optimal outcome for you can only be achieved if • Selection of the components a structured process is followed when interpreting • Consideration of design checks and validations the requirements, drawing up a detailed safety • Best practice engineering project management design and integrating and validating the solution. in accordance with IEC 61508 20 Pilz services throughout the machine lifecycle Benefits to you Safety design in the machine lifecycle Safe processes and optimized results Our structured methodology means that you not Risk assessment Risk assessment, only save time and money when implementing User requirements safety concept tailored concepts, you also make sure your machinery Safety concept conforms to the directives: Requirement specification Safety design • You operate in compliance with the relevant legal Design specification requirements, including the Machinery Directive System implementation and international standards Validation plan • You ease the strain on your resources Validation by calling on our safety experts for support Detailed design: • Mechanical • Electrical • Pneumatic, hydraulic • Software System implementation Validation The design process of Pilz uses a comprehensive consideration of the necessary safety measures and foreseeable human error. Keep up-to-date on Pilz safety design Webcode: web7770 Online information at www.pilz.com 21 Pilz Services Implementing safety swiftly: with System Implementation from Pilz When you plan to install new machines into a plant or want to optimize the safety of existing machines, you usually only have a very limited time available. Pilz can help you to implement your safety measures safely and within the required timeframe. Your requirements Our services Swift implementation of safety measures Certified safety implementation for your machinery When interlinking new machinery or retrofitting When integrating safety functions, our experienced legacy equipment, the integration of safety measures project managers keep any restrictions to the production plays an important role. In practice, however, there process to an absolute minimum. For planning the is usually only a very limited amount of time to installation of mechanical, electrical and hydraulic implement these measures. What plant manufacturers components, we take into account the existing plant and operators want in such situations is a service conditions to minimize downtime. Our project workflow partner that understands the lifecycle of their plant guarantees the highest quality level. We also ensure the and machinery, and can carry out the required successful integration of complex automation solutions measures swiftly and in a targeted manner. in high-speed production. The direct route to increased machine safety System implementation by Pilz comprises With customer-specific advice and technical the following phases: services that cover the entire machine lifecycle, • Project planning and management Pilz makes sure that safety systems and their • Selection and procurement of the necessary implementation do not adversely affect project components such as actuators, sensors and budgets for automation and safety projects. control units • Design and assembly of the necessary mechanical structures • Design and testing of the necessary electrical panels • Installation of electrical and control systems • Programming of control and visualization systems • System commissioning • Selection of suppliers and contractors • Training of machine operators and maintenance personnel • Provision of documentation tracking the development process, following structured processes 22 Pilz services throughout the machine lifecycle Benefits to you Based on the findings from the risk assessment and Quality and reliability safety design, our experienced engineers quickly In Pilz, you not only have a partner that can Risk assessment implement the selected safety measures. Pilz teams offer you reliability in planning and quality in have successfully performed system integration in implementation. You also benefit from our practical Safety concept many different industry sectors around the world: know-how, because with our worldwide network we are in a position to complete projects Safety design • Automotive engineering professionally and efficiently: • Aluminium production System implementation • Steel production • You delegate tasks to our experienced experts • Food and beverage industry with many years of applications experience Validation • Paper processing • You implement your safety systems • Consumer goods industry in accordance with the applicable standards • Medical industry and directives • You implement your system at minimal cost and downtime Keep up-to-date on Pilz safety implementation Webcode: web7771 Online information at www.pilz.com 23 Pilz Services Confirm the correct implementation of protective measures: with Validation by Pilz Validation by Pilz experts ensures that protective measures are implemented correctly and that the safety system is functioning fully. Your requirements Our services Validation in the machine safety lifecycle A structured approach for effective validation International safety directives and standards When planning the validation process in the design phase, such as ISO 13849, IEC 62061 and IEC 61508 the key is to define all measures, steps and resources that require manufacturers and operators of machinery are required for validation. With long-term experience in to validate their safety systems at regular intervals, the validation of machinery, our engineers have developed irrespective of the functional design. This is a task for a highly structured method for the inspection of safety- an experienced service provider that is familiar both critical elements of plant and machinery as well as for with the machine safety lifecycle and with how to checking the necessary safety functions. implement the necessary protective measures. Pilz validation covers the following services: Safety always comes first • Evaluating the given design based on As an expert in this domain, Pilz provides you safety requirements with the assurance that the safety measures in place • Evaluating the chosen components satisfy all requirements and have been implemented • Checking the installed sensors, actuators and wiring in accordance with the latest safety regulations and • Testing the safety-related software best practice. Our accreditation by internationally and hardware functions recognized official bodies means you have a safety • Performing function tests and fault simulations partner that can validate the conformity for all • Preparing a test report with detailed information your safety measures and ensure the safety of your on the results and recommendations on what facilities and your employees. actions are needed Keep up-to-date on Pilz validation Webcode: web7772 Online information at www.pilz.com 24 Pilz services throughout the machine lifecycle Benefits to you Validation in the machine safety lifecycle Objective and systematic validation process For the validation of your safety systems, you benefit Risk assessment not only from our objective, systematic approach, System design but also from our experience in evaluating and Safety concept implementing safety as well as our accreditation by System implementation internationally recognized official bodies: Safety design Inspection of the design documentation • All relevant aspects of validation and System implementation certification are taken into account • The conformity of all safety measures and Validation Checking the safety systems: • Mechanical safeguard therefore the overall safety of your facilities • ESPE and AOPD is maximized • Electrical controllers • You can demonstrate compliance with standards • Pneumatic controllers • Hydraulic controllers that require independent safety validation • Wiring and machine operator terminals Evaluation of performance level (PL) of safety systems Function test of the safety system Human-robot collaboration. Safety guaranteed! Pilz can help you to implement safe human-robot applications, with a service portfolio that is tailored to the individual life phases of a robot system. We ensure that humans and robots can work together Keep up-to-date on collision even more closely and safely. As part of the validation of measurement set human-robot collaborations, we use our HRC collision for human-robot measurement set. This serves to record impact force and collaboration (HRC) pressure to assess compliance with the limits specified Webcode: in accordance with ISO/TS 15066. web182200 Online information at www.pilz.com 25 26 Pilz services for international compliance Machine safety compliance on all continents • CE marking Manufacturers, exporters and end users of machinery that wish to export their machines • NR-12 around the world are confronted with complex conformity and legal issues. Pilz can assist you throughout the conformity assessment. The Pilz subsidiaries in each country clarify the formalities of safety compliance for the local acceptance. We will ensure that your machinery conforms to the regulatory requirements, be it CE marking in Europe for example or OSHA in the US, NR-12 in Brazil, KOSHA in Korea, GOST in Russia, or CCC in China. 27 Pilz Services Successfully mastering CE Marking: with the Pilz conformity assessment Pilz uses its proven expertise and comprehensive service offering to support manufacturers and operators with the CE marking process. This is required for new or modified machinery being imported or put into service in Europe. Your requirements Our services Certificate of compliance with EU directives CE marking from a single source Without CE marking, plant and machinery may not Pilz is able to carry out the entire conformity be imported into or sold in the European Economic assessment procedure on your behalf in accordance Area (EEA). That applies to both new and used with Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC: from risk machinery. Machine manufacturers and operators assessment and safety design to system implementation, need a service partner with extensive knowledge followed by validation and finally CE marking. and experience when it comes to interpreting the applicable directives and standards, and specifically What we can provide in the scope implementing the CE marking process. If stand-alone of CE marking: machines that are already CE certified are joined • Determining and applying the relevant standards together to form an assembly of machines, and directives a conformity assessment procedure, including • Risk assessment CE marking, must be carried out for the assembly as a whole. Quality the key to success Machinery directive and CE mark Our CE marking experts possess a high degree of technical competence that enables them to interpret “Completed” machinery the applicable technical standards and complete all necessary steps of the CE marking process. No Machinery listed in ANNEX IV? Not considered or only partially considered Documentation Documentation by manufacturer by manufacturer ANNEX VII ANNEX VII Checks on Full quality Checks on manufacture assurance manufacture by manufacturer by manufacturer by manufacturer ANNEX VIII ANNEX X ANNEX VIII EC type examination ANNEX IX CE marking by manufacturer 28 Pilz services for international compliance Benefits to you • Compiling a safety concept and/or a safety design Structured process and customized support • Evaluating conformity with the Machinery Directive Pilz not only supports you during the interpretation CE marking in terms of the essential safety and health protection and application of the standards and directives: requirements NR-12 • Carrying out the required checks, tests • For manufacturers based outside Europe, and measurements Pilz can act as your representative in • Collating the documents required by law the European market for CE marking purposes for inclusion in the technical documentation • Our structured CE marking process saves you • Document archiving and management time and money • Performing the function of a party authorized • If required, we will assume responsibility for to carry out CE marking, if necessary the conformity assessment procedure in the capacity of authorized party and will confirm with our signature that the requirements of the Machinery Directive have been complied with Yes Harmon. Yes standards applied ARTICLE 7 Documentation by manufacturer ANNEX VII Checks on Full quality manufacture assurance by manufacturer by manufacturer ANNEX VIII ANNEX X Keep up-to-date on CE marking Webcode: web7773 Online information at www.pilz.com 29 Pilz Services NR-12-compliant machinery worldwide: with the Pilz conformity assessment Based on the requirements of the Brazilian regulatory standard, NR-12, Pilz assists manufacturers and exporters during the conformity assessment of their machinery and offers operators on-site support when implementing the associated protective measures. Your requirements Our services NR-12-compliant plant and machinery Structured approach to To comply with the requirements of NR-12, the NR-12 conformity assessment manufacturers who export machinery to Brazil, As a complete supplier, we can provide support en route as well as operators of machinery in Brazil, need a to final acceptance locally in Brazil. Pilz provides a full service partner to comprehensively advise and range of services from a single service provider: from risk support them on the complex conformity and assessment to validation and the provision of technical legal issues. documentation at the machine manufacturer’s facility through to acceptance by the operator in Brazil. Conformity assessment by acknowledged specialists Pilz experts in Brazil are acknowledged specialists The safest route to NR-12-compliant machines. Worldwide! in the field of NR-12 compliance and will support We can support you with the following services: you throughout the entire NR-12 conformity assessment procedure. On your behalf, we thus make sure that you satisfy all the requirements of Services in machine’s country the Brazilian regulatory standards and that the health of origin and safety of your workforce are assured. Risk assessment Safety concept Design review Design and implementation Post measures Risk assessment Validation Mandatory Optional 30 OEM perspective Pilz services for international compliance Benefits to you Our offering spans the following services: Unrestricted NR-12 conformity • Advice during the design process on compliance and legal certainty CE marking with all relevant standards and directive requirements Regardless of whether you are a manufacturer • Clarification of the local formalities for acceptance wishing to export a machine to Brazil or wish NR-12 in Brazil to operate a machine in Brazil in accordance with • Support during commissioning the requirements of NR-12, in Pilz you have an experienced and expert partner. • You will have an NR-12-compliant machine complete with the required regulatory The safest route to NR-12-compliant machines. Worldwide! documentation for the local authorities We can support you with the following services: • You save time and money thanks to our standardized approach that follows an internationally uniform procedure Services in machine’s country of destination • You receive internationally uniform documents (Brazil) for all phases from machine construction outside Brazil to installation in Brazil Commissioning support LoTo system Remote support Post measures 1) Through our subsidiary in Brazil Pilz will provide the Risk assessment technical documentation required by NR-12, called the Technical Responsibility Annotation (ART), and which can Validation be created by our consultants who are formally registered with the relevant Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy (CREA) in Brazil. ART/CREA registration1) CREA Translation (Portuguese: Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Keep up-to-date of risk assessment Agronomia): Regional council for engineers, which on the NR-12 and validation Pilz assesses and registers safety specialists. Parts of conformity compliance plate the NR-12 documentation must be produced Webcode: by an engineer registered with CREA. web182180 ART Online information ART/CREA review (Portuguese: Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica): at www.pilz.com Mandatory document, which names the responsible engineer for a product/service. 31 Shipment END USER perspective 32 Pilz services for more safety in the workplace Machinery safety in the workplace • Plant assessment The continuing safety of your workers must always be a priority. Plant and machine • Lockout tagout system operators are confronted with the challenge of taking all the necessary safety measures to ensure this safety. • Inspection of safeguarding devices Pilz offers you a comprehensive range of services for achieving compliance and optimization of your safety status in the workplace. 33 Pilz Services Identifying machinery safety risks: with the Pilz Plant Assessment With the Pilz plant assessment and the resulting report recommendations, plant operators receive well-founded data on the safety status of their machinery along with a recommendation and set of priorities for essential improvements. Your requirements Our services On-site plant assessment Methodical plant assessment In today’s competitive world, production plants Our plant assessment of the machinery encompasses are subject to constant change. Wherever new and an on-site assessment with subsequent evaluation older machinery is operated side by side, the plant of the machinery’s condition and a formal presentation manager and safety leadership face the challenge of our findings. of prioritizing risk management in terms of health, safety and environmental risks, and of implementing For the plant assessment of the machinery, we use safety strategies. a structured risk assessment that builds on our experience gathered in projects involving machinery manufacturers Tailor-made plant assessments and users from all over the world. This approach yields In close co-operation with you, our experts define sufficient data and information to enable us to assess the aims of the plant assessment for all your the key conformity and safety factors in your plant. machinery and automation safety needs. We analyze All machinery is assessed in a multi-parameter analysis workflow with input from your operational and to obtain a suitable estimate of the essential safety maintenance personnel to identify the main potential requirements for every machine, in order of priority. hazards. Based on the plant assessment we will guide you on how the additional measures needed Plant assessment of the machinery spans: to comply with legal requirements can be achieved. • Analysis of the hazards at individual machines • Assessing effectiveness of existing measures to minimize the risks • Assessing how well machinery conforms to current regulations • Checking scope for integrating safety functions into a machine • Prioritizing and recommending how improvements to the machinery can be implemented 34 Pilz services for more safety in the workplace Benefits to you Methodology Status reports and strategic recommendations Based on the plant assessment from Pilz, you Plant assessment Define plant‘s limits will gain comprehensive understanding of the safety status of your machinery and also a clear recommendation on any essential improvements Lockout tagout Machine by machine plant assessment system required: Inspection of Evaluation of compliance • You obtain an overview of your entire plant safeguarding devices and safety features: and of any potential safety risks that you may be • Regulatory compliance • Significant risks unaware of • Technical measures • As an employer, you can enhance workplace • Organizational measures • Viability and employee safety • You obtain a firm basis to plan safety investments Categorizing and prioritizing effectively and improve the profitability of your the machinery and work equipment machinery • This analysis and these recommendations Safety improvement strategy can be applied to similar plants and machinery across your supply chain The comprehensive reports enable the company’s safety managers to define and implement the necessary safety measures in order of priority. Keep up-to-date on plant assessment Webcode: web7775 Online information at www.pilz.com 35 Pilz Services Manage hazardous energy safely: with the Pilz LoTo System In the form of a lockout tagout (LoTo) system developed specially for your machinery, Pilz offers operators of plant and machinery a reliable solution with which their personnel can safely control hazardous energy during repair and maintenance routines. Your requirements Our services More safety during maintenance and repairs Two-stage safety process There are many energy sources that can pose The LoTo system from Pilz comprises two stages: a risk to personnel during maintenance and repair LoTo analysis and LoTo process development. routines. To provide effective protection against these energy sources, machine operators adopt For the LoTo analysis, Pilz examines the existing measures in the form of a LoTo system. These ensure documentation such as the LoTo guidelines for the that machinery and other work equipment is isolated plant and the restart lockout processes. This is to ensure from the electrical, mechanical or hydraulic power they meet the relevant legal requirements or your own supplies, with measures put in place to prevent corporate standards. such sources from being activated inadvertently. Once the LoTo analysis has been successfully completed, Machine-specific LoTo systems Pilz develops a detailed LoTo procedure in graphic form Pilz is a proven expert in the field of designing for each specific machine. This describes, step by step, and implementing machine-specific LoTo systems. the individual requirements to ensure that all hazardous Through a complete LoTo package, plant operators energy is governed by the lockout tagout procedure for can implement solutions that reliably comply with that machine. current workplace legislation, such as the American standard 21 CFR 1910.147 or the European The Pilz LoTo services: directives 2009/104/EC and 2006/42/EC. • Analysis of existing systems • Analysis of corporate guidelines on LoTo • Analysis of existing procedures • Development of new procedures • Conformity with official requirements • E ducation and training for personnel on how to identify hazardous energy and how to follow the LoTo procedure 36 Pilz services for more safety in the workplace Benefits to you Process Straightforward, safe and effective approach The LoTo solution from Pilz gives you an overall Plant assessment lockout tagout strategy and enables you to profit Identify sources of hazardous energy from a practical, safe and effective approach: Lockout tagout Check means system • You increase the productivity of your plant Upgrade machine and paths for isolation with our LoTo service Inspection of • You reduce your plant’s downtime while safeguarding devices achieving optimum safety Determine conformity of isolating devices • You satisfy the various country-specific regulations or recommendations No Recommended Isolating devices changes compliant Yes Examine machine- specific procedures Determine conformity of isolation procedure No Recommended Isolation procedure changes compliant Yes Determine conformity of system In the course of drawing up the LoTo solution, Pilz Keep up-to-date also develops alternatives for more minor maintenance on Pilz LoTo system work to machinery where it is not necessary to interrupt Webcode: the energy supply to other machines on the line. web9793 Online information at www.pilz.com 37 Pilz Services Assuring permanent safety: with an Inspection of Safeguarding Devices by Pilz By conducting regular inspections of the safeguarding devices in your plant, Pilz helps machine operators to satisfy safety regulations and lay the foundation for improved protection of personnel, minimizing the risk and liability. Your requirements Our services Inspecting technical safety equipment Inspection of safeguarding devices Construction, upgrades, manipulation of Drawing on our industry experience and the technical safeguarding devices or changes to work processes expertise of our consultants and engineers, we examine can all undermine the level of protection, which, all technical safety equipment on your machinery in terms if undetected, can cause considerable damage of installation, condition and functionality. This includes and compromise the safety of personnel. E-STOPs, safety gates, two-hand control devices as well as optoelectronic safeguarding devices such as light That’s why in many countries it is a legal requirement curtains, laser scanners and camera-based systems. to regularly inspect safety-related equipment on We use overrun measurements to check that specified machinery. Machine operators are obliged to carry safety distances correspond to the current condition out an inspection before initial commissioning of a of your machine. machine and must do so again if it is moved to a new location. Machinery that is subject to heavy use which Pilz inspection of safety equipment has an adverse effect on its safety equipment must be comprises: inspected regularly. We recommend performing the • Initial inspection of all technical safety equipment: inspection at least once a year. proper installation, safe functioning and integration into the machine control system Accredited inspection service • Examination of safety functions in the circuit diagram Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Ostfildern, operates an • Overrun measurements (to examine the independent inspection body to ISO/IEC 17020, safety clearance specified by the manufacturer) accredited by the DAkkS accreditation body. • Inspections of all technical safety equipment: current Our process for the inspection of safeguarding condition, proper installation, safe functioning devices is subject to these strict stipulations. This • Handover of a detailed inspection report ensures you the maximum possible competence for the machine documentation and compliance. Our experienced inspectors will • Affixing of the test mark (if test passed) show you which deficiencies are present in the machinery safeguarding. Once an inspection has been successfully completed, we apply the Pilz mark to your machine. 38 Pilz services for more safety in the workplace Assuring permanent safety: with an Inspection of Safeguarding Devices by Pilz Benefits to you Structured inspection processes and permanent safety Plant assessment Regular inspections of your safeguarding devices are a reliable way to protect your employees and permanently reduce both the risk and liability: Lockout tagout system • You benefit from our accredited, internationally Inspection of recognized inspection processes as well as safeguarding devices the expertise and objectivity of our inspectors • You minimize downtimes and achieve greater plant availability • You achieve compliance with the requirements of national directives and laws (for example BetrSichV Pilz will continue to support you after the inspection in Germany, Arbeitsmittelverwendung in Austria, has been completed and will discuss any defects that OSHA in the US, PUWER in UK, UWED in Europe) may have emerged or any other safety-related questions • Above all you ensure maximum safety directly on site. Based on these discussions, we can for your employees recommend potential solutions that are typical for your industry sector. Keep up-to-date on inspection of safeguarding devices Webcode: web7776 Online information at www.pilz.com 39 40 Pilz training on machinery safety and automation Qualifications for success Anyone working with plant and machinery should above all be up-to-date on the topic of machinery safety and automation. Pilz offers a comprehensive range of training courses on the design, operation and maintenance of machines: this includes human-robot collaboration and future technologies. Attend one of our certified courses and, following successful participation, you will receive an a internationally valid TÜV certificate as proof of your qualification. 41 Pilz Services Range of Pilz training courses: Qualifications for success Benefit from our comprehensive range of training on machinery safety and automation. Increase your chance of professional success: with Pilz training courses! Risk Assessment Workshop Safety Design incorporating EN ISO 13849 and IEC 62061 Contents and core areas: Contents and core areas: • Risk assessments in line with EN ISO 12100 • Processes and standards related to • Risk assessment legislation and standards safety control systems specification, design • Evaluation methodologies and validation • Hierarchy of control • Detailed review of principles for design • Practical workshops of safety-related control systems Global range of training courses Continue your training all over the world with one of our subsidiaries. Our experts have practical knowledge and can support you in applying optimum manufacturing processes to optimize the availability and productivity of your plants all over the world. 42 Pilz training on machinery safety and automation Electrical safety in industrial installations Machinery Directive incorporating CE marking Training Contents and core areas: Contents and core areas: • Fundamentals of electrical safety on machinery • European directives • Requirements of the IEC 60204 standard • The process for CE marking a machine in relation to electrical safety • Examples of conformity assessment – step-by-step • Electrical installation requirements • Risk assessment • Functional safety Keep up-to-date on Pilz training Webcode: web150535 Online information at www.pilz.com 43 Pilz Services Range of Pilz training courses: On the same level globally We offer our training globally on the same level and of course in your local language. Our tailor-made training courses are individually adapted to your needs. LoTo: Lockout Tagout Management of risk in machinery procurement Contents and core areas: Contents and core areas: • Requirements and applications of lockout tagout • Risk management and associated costs • E.g. safety-related locking and interlocking of • Procurement strategy various energy supplies • Machinery delivery/acceptance process • Energy types and overview of LoTo processes • Purchasing used equipment • Cross border movement of machinery We also offer: • A large selection of product and technology training courses • Many options for further qualifications in all sectors of automation • Courses with contents that are specially customized for the requirements in your country • Training packages tailored to your individual needs 44 Pilz training on machinery safety and automation Robot safety Safe human-robot collaboration Training Contents and core areas: Contents and core areas: • Safety requirements in the use of robot systems • Safety solutions compliant with relevant standards • Relevant standards for safety integration • Risk assessments and safeguarding in robot cells • Collision measurement in accordance • Assessment of hazards with ISO/TS 15066 limit values • Robot protective measures and safety technology Keep up-to-date on Pilz training e ation on the c omplete rang Webcode: Further inform courses is ava ilable at web150535 of training pilz.com Online information www. at www.pilz.com 45 Pilz Services Qualification as a CMSE® – Certified Machinery Safety Expert With the title CMSE – Certified Machinery Safety Expert – you can demonstrate your competence for the whole lifecycle of machinery safety. Once you have passed the final examination you will receive a certificate that is issued by TÜV NORD and is internationally recognized. More knowledge. More safety. Become a CMSE® – Certified Machinery Safety Expert! Knowledge and competence in the field of machinery safety. With TÜV certificate. The international machinery safety qualification. 46 Pilz training on machinery safety and automation ® Training The four-day expert course includes the following content: • Comprehensive knowledge of the machine lifecycle • Information on current standards and legal practice • Details on the risk assessment procedure • Functional safety • Implementation of compliance strategies Multinational companies can implement CMSE worldwide as the standard qualification within their organization. After being issued with their certificates, This enables a consistent level of machinery safety each CMSE is automatically granted free access competence within the company. to the exclusive CMSE online community: • Forums that are geared to a specific topic Contents of the course, preconditions to enhance your specialist knowledge for participation and all additional information • Always up-to-date with the latest news including the registration form to become a CMSE about machinery safety can be found at www.cmse.com • Exclusive downloads of white papers, for example 47 Pilz automation solutions • Simple configuration, programming and visualization through innovative software solutions • High flexibility due to individually expandable solutions • Openness of communication • High availability thanks to extensive diagnostic options • One system for safety and automation Pilz automation solutions diagnostics plays an important role for Pilz solutions are embedded into and functional safety, through Drive technology from Pilz Automation software from Pilz Pilz offers everything that you need all components and systems from Pilz. the relevant system environment – to complete machine control. is characterized by drive-integrated allows you to quickly and easily for the automation of your plant and whether a new structure or a retrofit – safety functions, safe logic implement your planning, machinery: Innovative components You benefit from flexible solutions and are open for a variety of interfaces Safe sensors and decentralized functions and the connection programming, configuration, and systems in which safety and for machines with an elementary and functionalities. modules from Pilz guarantee of visualization, sensor and commissioning, diagnostics automation are merged within function range through to large the efficient, compliant use of plant actuator technology. and visualization. hardware and software. interlinked plants. With us you can The perfect combination: and machinery in combination with standardize your safety, implement various control systems. Our turnkey Operator and visualization Pilz offers you automation From sensor and control technology safety and automation in one Control technology from Pilz systems and universally compatible systems from Pilz complete your solutions for the safety of man, to drive technology, the ease of periphery or find solutions for offers numerous application options, solutions offer a high savings plant and machinery. machine and the environment. commissioning, operation and complete automation. including monitoring of electrical potential. 48 Pilz automation solutions • Simple configuration, programming and visualization through innovative software solutions • High flexibility due to individually expandable solutions • Openness of communication • High availability thanks to extensive diagnostic options • One system for safety and automation Pilz automation solutions diagnostics plays an important role for Pilz solutions are embedded into and functional safety, through Drive technology from Pilz Automation software from Pilz Pilz offers everything that you need all components and systems from Pilz. the relevant system environment – to complete machine control. is characterized by drive-integrated allows you to quickly and easily for the automation of your plant and whether a new structure or a retrofit – safety functions, safe logic implement your planning, machinery: Innovative components You benefit from flexible solutions and are open for a variety of interfaces Safe sensors and decentralized functions and the connection programming, configuration, and systems in which safety and for machines with an elementary and functionalities. modules from Pilz guarantee of visualization, sensor and commissioning, diagnostics automation are merged within function range through to large the efficient, compliant use of plant actuator technology. and visualization. hardware and software. interlinked plants. With us you can The perfect combination: and machinery in combination with standardize your safety, implement various control systems. Our turnkey Operator and visualization Pilz offers you automation From sensor and control technology safety and automation in one Control technology from Pilz systems and universally compatible systems from Pilz complete your solutions for the safety of man, to drive technology, the ease of periphery or find solutions for offers numerous application options, solutions offer a high savings plant and machinery. machine and the environment. commissioning, operation and complete automation. including monitoring of electrical potential. 49 Contact Contact Contact AT CH ES IE KR NZ SE TW Pilz Ges.m.b.H. Pilz lndustrieelektronik GmbH Pilz lndustrieelektronik S.L. Pilz Ireland Industrial Automation Pilz Korea Ltd. Pilz New Zealand Pilz Skandinavien K/S Pilz Taiwan Ltd. Sichere Automation Gewerbepark Hintermättli Safe Automation Cork Business and Technology Park Safe Automation Safe Automation Safe Automation 7F.-3, No. 146, Songjiang Rd. Modecenterstraße 14 5506 Mägenwil Camí Ral, 130 Model Farm Road 4FL, Elentec bldg., Unit 4, 12 Laidlaw Way Smörhålevägen 3 Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104 1030 Wien Switzerland Polígono Industrial Palou Nord Cork 17 Pangyoro-228 Bundang-gu East Tamaki 43442 Kungsbacka Taiwan Austria Telephone: +41 62 88979-30 08401 Granollers Ireland Seongnam-si Auckland 2016 Sweden Telephone: +886 2 2568 1680 Telephone: +43 1 7986263-0 Telefax: +41 62 88979-40 Spain Telephone: +353 21 4346535 Gyunggi-do New Zealand Telephone: +46 300 13990 Telefax: +886 2 2568 1600 Telefax: +43 1 7986264 E-Mail: pilz@pilz.ch Telephone: +34 938497433 Telefax: +353 21 4804994 South Korea 13487 Telephone: +64 9 6345350 Telefax: +46 300 30740 E-Mail: info@pilz.tw E-Mail: pilz@pilz.at Internet: www.pilz.ch Telefax: +34 938497544 E-Mail: sales@pilz.ie Telephone: +82 31 778 3300 Telefax: +64 9 6345352 E-Mail: pilz.se@pilz.dk Internet: www.pilz.tw Internet: www.pilz.at E-Mail: pilz@pilz.es Internet: www.pilz.ie Telefax: +82 31 778 3399 E-Mail: office@pilz.co.nz Internet: www.pilz.se CN Internet: www.pilz.es E-Mail: info@pilzkorea.co.kr Internet: www.pilz.co.nz US AU Pilz Industrial Automation IN Internet: www.pilz.co.kr SG Pilz Automation Safety L.P. Pilz Australia Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. FI Pilz India Pvt. Ltd PH Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. 7150 Commerce Boulevard Safe Automation Rm. 1702-1704 Pilz Skandinavien K/S 201 ’Cybernex’ LA Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. 25 International Business Park Canton Unit 1, 12-14 Miles Street Yongda International Tower Safe Automation Shankar Sheth Road, Swargate Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. 25 International Business Park #04-56 German Centre Michigan 48187 Mulgrave No. 2277 Long Yang Road Nuijamiestentie 7 Pune 411042 25 International Business Park #04-56 German Centre Singapore 609916 USA Victoria 3170 Shanghai 201204 00400 Helsinki India #04-56 German Centre Singapore 609916 Singapore Telephone: +1 734 354 0272 Australia China Finland Telephone: +91 20 49221100/-1/-2 Singapore 609916 Singapore Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Telefax: +1 734 354 3355 Telephone: +61 3 95600621 Telephone: +86 21 60880878 Telephone: +358 10 3224030 Telefax: +91 20 49221103 Singapore Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 E-Mail: info@pilzusa.com Telefax: +61 3 95749035 Telefax: +86 21 60880870 Telefax: +358 9 27093709 E-Mail: info@pilz.in Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg Internet: www.pilz.us E-Mail: safety@pilz.com.au E-Mail: sales@pilz.com.cn E-Mail: pilz.fi@pilz.dk Internet: www.pilz.in Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg Internet: www.pilz.sg Internet: www.pilz.com.au Internet: www.pilz.com.cn Internet: www.pilz.fi E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg Internet: www.pilz.sg VN IT, MT Internet: www.pilz.sg SK Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. BE, LU CZ FR Pilz ltalia S.r.l. PL, BY, UA Pilz Slovakia s.r.o. 25 International Business Park Pilz Belgium Pilz Czech s.r.o Pilz France Electronic Automazione sicura MX Pilz Polska Sp. z o.o. Štúrova 101 #04-56 German Centre Safe Automation Safe Automation 1, rue Jacob Mayer Via Gran Sasso n. 1 Pilz de México, S. de R.L. de C.V. Safe Automation 05921 Svit Singapore 609916 Bijenstraat 4 Zelený pruh 95/97 CS 80012 20823 Lentate sul Seveso (MB) Automatización Segura ul. Ruchliwa 15 Slovakia Singapore 9051 Gent (Sint-Denijs-Westrem) 140 00 Praha 4 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2 Italy Convento de Actopan 36 02-182 Warszawa Telephone: +421 52 7152601 Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Belgium Czech Republic France Telephone: +39 0362 1826711 Jardines de Santa Mónica Poland E-Mail: info@pilzslovakia.sk Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 Telephone: +32 9 3217570 Telephone: +420 222 135353 Telephone: +33 3 88104000 Telefax: +39 0362 1826755 Tlalnepantla, Méx. 54050 Telephone: +48 22 8847100 Internet: www.pilzslovakia.sk E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg Telefax: +32 9 3217571 Telefax: +420 296 374788 Telefax: +33 3 88108000 E-Mail: info@pilz.it Mexico Telefax: +48 22 8847109 Internet: www.pilz.sg E-Mail: info@pilz.be E-Mail: info@pilz.cz E-Mail: siege@pilz-france.fr Internet: www.pilz.it Telephone: +52 55 5572 1300 E-Mail: info@pilz.pl TH Internet: www.pilz.be Internet: www.pilz.cz Internet: www.pilz.fr Telefax: +52 55 5572 1300 Internet: www.pilz.pl Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. JP E-Mail: info@pilz.com.mx 25 International Business Park BR DE GB Pilz Japan Co., Ltd. Internet: www.pilz.mx PT #04-56 German Centre Pilz do Brasil Pilz GmbH & Co. KG Pilz Automation Ltd Safe Automation Pilz Industrieelektronik S.L. Singapore 609916 Automação Segura Felix-Wankel-Straße 2 Pilz House Ichigo Shin-Yokohama Bldg. 4F MY R. Eng Duarte Pacheco, 120 Singapore Av. Piraporinha, 521 73760 Ostfildern Little Colliers Field 3-17-5 Shin-Yokohama Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. 4 Andar Sala 21 Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Bairro: Planalto Germany Corby, Northants Kohoku-ku 25 International Business Park 4470-174 Maia Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 São Bernardo do Campo – SP Telephone: +49 711 3409-0 NN18 8TJ 222-0033 Yokohama #04-56 German Centre Portugal E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg CEP: 09891-000 Telefax: +49 711 3409-133 United Kingdom Japan Singapore 609916 Telephone: +351 229407594 Internet: www.pilz.sg Brazil E-Mail: info@pilz.de Telephone: +44 1536 460766 Telephone: +81 45 471-2281 Singapore E-Mail: pilz@pilz.pt Telephone: +55 11 4126-7290 Internet: www.pilz.de Telefax: +44 1536 460866 Telefax: +81 45 471-2283 Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Internet: www.pilz.pt TR Telefax: +55 11 4942-7002 E-Mail: sales@pilz.co.uk E-Mail: pilz@pilz.co.jp Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 Pilz Emniyet Otomasyon E-Mail: pilz@pilz.com.br DK Internet: www.pilz.co.uk Internet: www.pilz.jp E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg RU Ürünleri ve Hizmetleri Tic. Ltd. Şti. Internet: www.pilz.com.br Pilz Skandinavien K/S Internet: www.pilz.sg Pilz RUS OOO Kayışdağı Mahallesi Dudullu Yolu Cad. Safe Automation ID KH Ugreshskaya street, 2, Mecnun Sok. Duru Plaza No:7 CA Ellegaardvej 25 D Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. NL bldg. 11, office 16 (1st floor) 34755 Ataşehir/İstanbul Pilz Automation Safety Canada L.P. 6400 Sonderborg 25 International Business Park 25 International Business Park Pilz Nederland 115088 Moskau Turkey 250 Bayview Drive Denmark #04-56 German Centre #04-56 German Centre Veilige automatisering Russian Federation Telephone: +90 216 5775550 Barrie, Ontario Telephone: +45 74436332 Singapore 609916 Singapore 609916 Havenweg 22 Telephone: +7 495 665 4993 Telefax: +90 216 5775549 Canada, L4N 4Y8 Telefax: +45 74436342 Singapore Singapore 4131 NM Vianen E-Mail: pilz@pilzrussia.ru E-Mail: info@pilz.com.tr Telephone: +1 705 481-7459 E-Mail: pilz@pilz.dk Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Netherlands Internet: www.pilzrussia.ru Internet: www.pilz.com.tr Telefax: +1 705 481-7469 Internet: www.pilz.dk Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 Telephone: +31 347 320477 E-Mail: info@pilz.ca E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg Telefax: +31 347 320485 Internet: www.pilz.ca Internet: www.pilz.sg Internet: www.pilz.sg E-Mail: info@pilz.nl Internet: www.pilz.nl Headquarters: Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: info@pilz.de, Internet: www.pilz.com 50 Contact Contact Contact AT CH ES IE KR NZ SE TW Pilz Ges.m.b.H. Pilz lndustrieelektronik GmbH Pilz lndustrieelektronik S.L. Pilz Ireland Industrial Automation Pilz Korea Ltd. Pilz New Zealand Pilz Skandinavien K/S Pilz Taiwan Ltd. Sichere Automation Gewerbepark Hintermättli Safe Automation Cork Business and Technology Park Safe Automation Safe Automation Safe Automation 7F.-3, No. 146, Songjiang Rd. Modecenterstraße 14 5506 Mägenwil Camí Ral, 130 Model Farm Road 4FL, Elentec bldg., Unit 4, 12 Laidlaw Way Smörhålevägen 3 Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104 1030 Wien Switzerland Polígono Industrial Palou Nord Cork 17 Pangyoro-228 Bundang-gu East Tamaki 43442 Kungsbacka Taiwan Austria Telephone: +41 62 88979-30 08401 Granollers Ireland Seongnam-si Auckland 2016 Sweden Telephone: +886 2 2568 1680 Telephone: +43 1 7986263-0 Telefax: +41 62 88979-40 Spain Telephone: +353 21 4346535 Gyunggi-do New Zealand Telephone: +46 300 13990 Telefax: +886 2 2568 1600 Telefax: +43 1 7986264 E-Mail: pilz@pilz.ch Telephone: +34 938497433 Telefax: +353 21 4804994 South Korea 13487 Telephone: +64 9 6345350 Telefax: +46 300 30740 E-Mail: info@pilz.tw E-Mail: pilz@pilz.at Internet: www.pilz.ch Telefax: +34 938497544 E-Mail: sales@pilz.ie Telephone: +82 31 778 3300 Telefax: +64 9 6345352 E-Mail: pilz.se@pilz.dk Internet: www.pilz.tw Internet: www.pilz.at E-Mail: pilz@pilz.es Internet: www.pilz.ie Telefax: +82 31 778 3399 E-Mail: office@pilz.co.nz Internet: www.pilz.se CN Internet: www.pilz.es E-Mail: info@pilzkorea.co.kr Internet: www.pilz.co.nz US AU Pilz Industrial Automation IN Internet: www.pilz.co.kr SG Pilz Automation Safety L.P. Pilz Australia Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. FI Pilz India Pvt. Ltd PH Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. 7150 Commerce Boulevard Safe Automation Rm. 1702-1704 Pilz Skandinavien K/S 201 ’Cybernex’ LA Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. 25 International Business Park Canton Unit 1, 12-14 Miles Street Yongda International Tower Safe Automation Shankar Sheth Road, Swargate Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. 25 International Business Park #04-56 German Centre Michigan 48187 Mulgrave No. 2277 Long Yang Road Nuijamiestentie 7 Pune 411042 25 International Business Park #04-56 German Centre Singapore 609916 USA Victoria 3170 Shanghai 201204 00400 Helsinki India #04-56 German Centre Singapore 609916 Singapore Telephone: +1 734 354 0272 Australia China Finland Telephone: +91 20 49221100/-1/-2 Singapore 609916 Singapore Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Telefax: +1 734 354 3355 Telephone: +61 3 95600621 Telephone: +86 21 60880878 Telephone: +358 10 3224030 Telefax: +91 20 49221103 Singapore Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 E-Mail: info@pilzusa.com Telefax: +61 3 95749035 Telefax: +86 21 60880870 Telefax: +358 9 27093709 E-Mail: info@pilz.in Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg Internet: www.pilz.us E-Mail: safety@pilz.com.au E-Mail: sales@pilz.com.cn E-Mail: pilz.fi@pilz.dk Internet: www.pilz.in Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg Internet: www.pilz.sg Internet: www.pilz.com.au Internet: www.pilz.com.cn Internet: www.pilz.fi E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg Internet: www.pilz.sg VN IT, MT Internet: www.pilz.sg SK Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. BE, LU CZ FR Pilz ltalia S.r.l. PL, BY, UA Pilz Slovakia s.r.o. 25 International Business Park Pilz Belgium Pilz Czech s.r.o Pilz France Electronic Automazione sicura MX Pilz Polska Sp. z o.o. Štúrova 101 #04-56 German Centre Safe Automation Safe Automation 1, rue Jacob Mayer Via Gran Sasso n. 1 Pilz de México, S. de R.L. de C.V. Safe Automation 05921 Svit Singapore 609916 Bijenstraat 4 Zelený pruh 95/97 CS 80012 20823 Lentate sul Seveso (MB) Automatización Segura ul. Ruchliwa 15 Slovakia Singapore 9051 Gent (Sint-Denijs-Westrem) 140 00 Praha 4 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2 Italy Convento de Actopan 36 02-182 Warszawa Telephone: +421 52 7152601 Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Belgium Czech Republic France Telephone: +39 0362 1826711 Jardines de Santa Mónica Poland E-Mail: info@pilzslovakia.sk Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 Telephone: +32 9 3217570 Telephone: +420 222 135353 Telephone: +33 3 88104000 Telefax: +39 0362 1826755 Tlalnepantla, Méx. 54050 Telephone: +48 22 8847100 Internet: www.pilzslovakia.sk E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg Telefax: +32 9 3217571 Telefax: +420 296 374788 Telefax: +33 3 88108000 E-Mail: info@pilz.it Mexico Telefax: +48 22 8847109 Internet: www.pilz.sg E-Mail: info@pilz.be E-Mail: info@pilz.cz E-Mail: siege@pilz-france.fr Internet: www.pilz.it Telephone: +52 55 5572 1300 E-Mail: info@pilz.pl TH Internet: www.pilz.be Internet: www.pilz.cz Internet: www.pilz.fr Telefax: +52 55 5572 1300 Internet: www.pilz.pl Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. JP E-Mail: info@pilz.com.mx 25 International Business Park BR DE GB Pilz Japan Co., Ltd. Internet: www.pilz.mx PT #04-56 German Centre Pilz do Brasil Pilz GmbH & Co. KG Pilz Automation Ltd Safe Automation Pilz Industrieelektronik S.L. Singapore 609916 Automação Segura Felix-Wankel-Straße 2 Pilz House Ichigo Shin-Yokohama Bldg. 4F MY R. Eng Duarte Pacheco, 120 Singapore Av. Piraporinha, 521 73760 Ostfildern Little Colliers Field 3-17-5 Shin-Yokohama Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. 4 Andar Sala 21 Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Bairro: Planalto Germany Corby, Northants Kohoku-ku 25 International Business Park 4470-174 Maia Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 São Bernardo do Campo – SP Telephone: +49 711 3409-0 NN18 8TJ 222-0033 Yokohama #04-56 German Centre Portugal E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg CEP: 09891-000 Telefax: +49 711 3409-133 United Kingdom Japan Singapore 609916 Telephone: +351 229407594 Internet: www.pilz.sg Brazil E-Mail: info@pilz.de Telephone: +44 1536 460766 Telephone: +81 45 471-2281 Singapore E-Mail: pilz@pilz.pt Telephone: +55 11 4126-7290 Internet: www.pilz.de Telefax: +44 1536 460866 Telefax: +81 45 471-2283 Telephone: +65 6839 292-0 Internet: www.pilz.pt TR Telefax: +55 11 4942-7002 E-Mail: sales@pilz.co.uk E-Mail: pilz@pilz.co.jp Telefax: +65 6839 292-1 Pilz Emniyet Otomasyon E-Mail: pilz@pilz.com.br DK Internet: www.pilz.co.uk Internet: www.pilz.jp E-Mail: sales@pilz.sg RU Ürünleri ve Hizmetleri Tic. Ltd. Şti. Internet: www.pilz.com.br Pilz Skandinavien K/S Internet: www.pilz.sg Pilz RUS OOO Kayışdağı Mahallesi Dudullu Yolu Cad. Safe Automation ID KH Ugreshskaya street, 2, Mecnun Sok. Duru Plaza No:7 CA Ellegaardvej 25 D Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd. 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KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: info@pilz.de, Internet: www.pilz.com 51 Support Technical support is available from Pilz round the clock. Americas Australia Scandinavia Brazil +61 3 95600621 +45 74436332 +55 11 97569-2804 Spain Canada Europe +34 938497433 +1 888-315-PILZ (315-7459) Austria Switzerland Mexico +43 1 7986263-0 +41 62 88979-30 +52 55 5572 1300 Belgium, Luxembourg The Netherlands USA (toll-free) +32 9 3217575 +31 347 320477 +1 877-PILZUSA (745-9872) France Turkey +33 3 88104000 +90 216 5775552 Asia Germany United Kingdom China +49 711 3409-444 +44 1536 462203 +86 21 60880878-216 Ireland Japan +353 21 4804983 You can reach our +81 45 471-2281 Italy, Malta international hotline on: South Korea +39 0362 1826711 +49 711 3409-444 +82 31 778 3300 support@pilz.com Pilz develops environmentally-friendly products using ecological materials and energy-saving technologies. Offices and production facilities are ecologically designed, environmentally-aware and energy-saving. So Pilz offers sustainability, plus the security of using energy-efficient products and environmentally-friendly solutions. Partner of: The Best of German Engineering Presented by: In many countries we are represented by sales partners. Please refer to our homepage www.pilz.com for further details or contact our headquarters. CMSE®, InduraNET p®, PAS4000®, PAScal®, PASconfig®, Pilz®, PIT®, PLID®, PMCprimo®, PMCprotego®, PMCtendo®, PMD®, PMI®, PNOZ®, Primo®, PSEN®, PSS®, PVIS®, SafetyBUS p®, 8-4-us-3-015, 2018-02 Printed in Germany SafetyEYE®, SafetyNET p®, THE SPIRIT OF SAFETY® are registered and protected trademarks of Pilz GmbH & Co. KG in some countries. We would point out that product features may vary © Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, 2018 from the details stated in this document, depending on the status at the time of publication and the scope of the equipment. 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